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Unlock iPhone 3G/3G S Without/No WiFi at iOS 4.1.

Hello guys I’m back with a bang after a long..long..time.

Today I’m going to show how to actually unlock your iPhone 3G/3G S without WiFi  running on iOS 4.1.

There are possibilities when your WiFi stops working or there is some other issue with your internet……

So what to do ??

Don’t panic below is a tutorial to overcome this problem..


  1. DiskAid: Download
  2. UltrasnOw.deb &  mobilesubstrate_0.9.3367-1_iphoneos-arm.deb: Download


Note: Refer to screen shots for further help.

1.     First of all connect your iPhone to your computer and open DiskAid.

2.     Now, in the middle window scroll down to “var” folder and open it.

3.     Then ,in the next directory(but in the same window), scroll down to “root” folder and open it.

4.     Now,in the right hand side window you will see two folders namely “Library” and “Media”.Open the “Media” folder.

5.     Now, you will see a folder named “Cydia”,if not create it by right-click>New folder.Remember “C” of  “Cydia” should be in caps.

6.     Now open this folder(Cydia) and create another folder  inside it  named “AutoInstall”.

7.     Now open the folder “AutoInstall” and  just paste the 2 files which you have downloaded in it.Now just close the window and disconnect your iPhone from your computer.

8. Now you have to restart your iPhone twice and you are DONE !!!!!!!!!

You now have an unlocked iPhone……..

Wasn’t that easy !!!!!!!!!

Note: An updated version can be found here: http://raghavgaur.net/?p=30

Thank You.

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