BitDefender Total Security 2012 Full Version

BitDefender telah merilis 3 produknya yang terbaru yaitu BD Antivirus, BD Internet Security, dan BD Total Security 2012. Sekarang aja masih 2011, hebatnya, lagi - lagi ini software meraih peringkat pertama kategori antivirus terbaik dunia. Apa saja yang baru? Cek pripiuw nya dibawah:

Defend Yourself With The #1 Ranked Antivirus Protection!*
Bitdefender capitalizes on live and virtualized behavior-based detection, in addition to cloud-based services, to stop emerging e-threats that other products miss.

*#1 ranking based on reviews of Bitdefender Internet Security 2011 from: Top Ten Reviews, AV Test, Choice Magazine, and Which? Magazine (UK).


The Autopilot provides a hassle-free experience by making optimal security-related decisions without input from you. This means no pop-ups, no alerts, nothing to configure.

  • Blocks viruses, spyware & spam
  • Halts ID theft attempts
  • Filters the links you receive from your Facebook and Twitter friends
  • Keeps kids safe with cutting-edge parental controls
  • Online backup
  • Tunes up your PC for optimal speed & performance

Unparalleled Security
Bitdefender capitalizes on live and virtualized behavior-based detection, in addition to cloud-based services, to stop emerging e-threats that other products miss.
Active Virus Control
Monitors processes behavior while they are running to detect new & unknown viruses
Rescue mode 
Reboots your computer in a trusted environment, which is used for cleanup and restoration
Virtualized Browser
Isolates the browser from the operating system in a Bitdefender-provided environment to block web-based threats
Vulnerability Scanner
Checks for missing or outdated security software as well as potentially unsafe system settings
Stops unwanted e-mail from reaching your Inbox
Two-way Firewall
Monitors your Internet connections and keeps strangers from accessing your Wi-Fi connection
Parental Control 
Blocks inappropriate content, restricts Web access between certain hours, and helps parents remotely monitor their children's online activityAbsolute Silence
Bitdefender's Autopilot makes all the security-related decisions for you!
Provides a hassle-free experience by making optimal security-related decisions without input from you 
Worry-free Socializing
Protect yourself, and your friends, from e-threats that attempt to exploit the trust you've built with them. 
Search Advisor
Gives advance warning of risky websites right in your Google and Bing search results
Full Speed
Bitdefender 2012 takes "scheduled scanning" to a whole new level, as the scanning only takes place when your system is idle.
Scan Dispatcher 
Triggers system scans when resource usage falls below a certain threshold to avoid any impact on your system's performance
Removes unnecessary files and registry entries, for optimized performance
Total Privacy
Bitdefender protects your privacy and personal data with a range of specialized modules and functions.
Personal Data Filter
Prevents critical data, such as your social security number, from ever leaving your computer
Blocks websites supporting various scams or credit card phishing attempts
Chat Encryption
Keeps your conversations private on Yahoo! and MSN Messenger
File Encryption
Locks up confidential files in an encrypted vault
Secure Backup
Bitdefender Total Security comes with 2 GB of free, secure online space to backup your critical files.
Automatically backs up files and folders to a secure remote server and allows file sync between your computers

Cara Install Full Versi :
1. Setelah file offline installer nya kamu download, buka file .exe tersebut dan install
2. Jangan dulu konek ke internet, tapi kalo internet agan cepet y ga apa" konek juga, biar sekalian update
3. Pilih "I want to evaluate this product", lalu klik install

    4. Tunggu prosesnya sampai selesai

    5. Setelah selesai, restart kompie kamu dan masuk safe mode dengan cara menekan tombol F8 pada saat booting

    6. Setelah masuk safe mode, extract file crack yang sudah di download

    7. Jalankan crack Box_BD2011.exe

    8. Klik "Year 2045", ini yang bikin crack dari dulu ga kira-kira y gan, mesti terima kasih banyak, maka akan muncul pesan seperti gambar di bawah, klik ok dan exit crack

    9. Restart lagi kompie kamu pada normal mode, jangan masuk safe mode lagi.

    10. Ya udah beres, tinggal setting2 tuh antivirusnya, iki77 saranin matikan fitur - fitur yang ada hubungan kontak sama server bitdefender seperti:

    - Send quarantine virus

    - Outbreak Detection

    - Register Account

    - Automatic Update, walaupun aman dan bisa secara online, tapi cari aman ajalah, update seperlunya aja

    11. Kalo muncul pesan "The PC has never been scanned for viruses" pada "Issues", postpone aja secara permanent kaya digambar, abisnya ngapain juga ngescan klo kompie g kenapa", ngelamain.

    12. O iya satu lagi, kalo mau liat masa aktif lisensi yang sampai  taun 2045 nya, klik aja "License Info" pada form utama.

    Quote :

    "Aneh ya gan, antivirus yang katanya nomer 1 di dunia aja masih dengan mudahnya di crack, mana berbayar lagi, rugi gan, kalo saran ane sih daripada ngebajak terus kaya gini mendingan pake sistem operasi dan aplikasi open source aja, selain aman dan 98% bebas virus, canggih, juga full free, yang ngembangin juga orang" di seluruh dunia lho,,"

    Tapi kalo buat sendiri sih,,ya gapapa lah,,he,,

    Silahkan download file instalasi bitDefender nya,

    Jika ingin install secara online, kamu download aja langsung dari situsnya dibawah ini:

    Download BitDefender Online Installer

    Jika ingin install secara Offline, kamu bisa download dari salah satu situs yang iki77 kasih di bawah ini:

    Download BitDefender Offline Installer

    Jangan lupa crack - nya kalo ingin dapet full versi gratisan,,crack ini bisa buat semua produk BitDefender 2012

    Download Patch to Full Version

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